Magic Cleaner ultra-thin microfiber cleaning cloth for optics and camera lens

What’s Inside

  • Magic Cleaner ultra-thin microfiber cleaning cloth – Size: 320 mm x 380 mm | 12.6” x 15” (1)


US$8.39 * | 7.78*    *approximate price


    Produced from ultra fine 0.1 denier microfibers for optimum softness and density VisibleDust Magic Cleaner cloths are perfect for cleaning camera optics such as lenses and viewfinders. These cloths absorb dirt, grease and moisture more effectively than natural chamois leather, leaving a spot-free finish without abrasions.

    It is recommended to use Magic Cleaner in conjunction with Lens Clean™(Not include) for a comprehensive optical surface cleaning.

  • Magic Cleaner ultra-thin microfiber cleaning cloth – Size: 320 mm x 380 mm | 12.6” x 15”

    SKU: 2455219-1

    UPC: 26127770428

    EAN: N/A

  • Magic Cleaner ultra-thin microfiber cleaning cloth Instructions video:

    Lens Clean™ Instructions:

    CAUTION: Not for contact lenses. Avoid contact with eyes.

    Does not contain any alcohol

    Contrary to alcohol, which evaporates and leaves sharp objects behind on your lens, Lens Clean™ has components that protect your lens from being scratched by microscopic objects. This protection is built-in because safety is our number one concern.

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